Therapeutic Breast Massage for Breastfeeding & Lactating Women
How Therapeutic Breast Massage for Lactation works
Why Breast Massage?
Regular breast massage can help promote better milk flow, especially if you're experiencing any blockage or difficulties with letdown. It can help relieve the painful fullness that occurs when the breasts become engorged, making it easier to breastfeed. For mothers who are breastfeeding or pumping, massage can help increase milk production by stimulating the mammary glands. For all benefits, see below.
What does a Therapeutic Breast Massage feel like?
Many women report feeling relaxed and relieved after a breast massage, especially if they’re dealing with engorgement or discomfort.
If you have blocked ducts or milk buildup, the massage can feel slightly uncomfortable at first, but it should bring relief once milk starts flowing.
Some individuals may feel a tingling sensation or mild sensitivity in the breast or nipple area during the massage. This is normal and often associated with milk production or letdown.
What are the benefits of Breast Massage for Lactation?
Breast massage can offer several benefits for lactation, both in terms of milk production and overall breastfeeding comfort. Here's how it can help:
1. Stimulates Milk Production
* Increases Blood Flow: Massaging the breasts increases blood circulation, which can help to promote milk production by improving nutrient and oxygen supply to the mammary glands.
* Encourages Milk Ejection: Gentle massage can stimulate the release of oxytocin, a hormone responsible for milk letdown, which can make breastfeeding more efficient.
2. Helps Prevent or Relieve Engorgement
* Relieves Stuffy or Blocked Ducts: Massaging the breasts can help clear blocked milk ducts, reducing the risk of engorgement, which occurs when the breasts become overly full and swollen.
* Softens Breasts: When breasts are engorged, massage can help soften them, making it easier for the baby to latch and feed.
3. Improves Milk Flow:
* Encourages Even Distribution of Milk: Massaging the breasts in specific ways can help the milk flow more freely, especially in the areas that are less likely to release milk naturally (e.g., the sides or under the nipple).
* Enhances Drainage: It can help empty the breasts more completely during or between feedings, reducing the risk of mastitis (breast infection) or blocked ducts.
4. Boosts Oxytocin Levels
Light, gentle massage around the nipple and areola can help trigger the release of oxytocin, which not only promotes milk letdown but also has a calming and bonding effect.
5. Improves Latch
By softening the nipple and areola, massage can help improve the baby’s latch, especially if the nipple is sore or flattened.
6. Promotes Relaxation and Comfort
* Reduces Tension: Regular massage can help relax the breast tissue and reduce tightness or discomfort associated with breastfeeding.
* Calms the Mother: A relaxed mother is likely to experience better milk production, as stress can inhibit lactation.
7. Assists with Breastfeeding Challenges
* Support for Low Milk Supply: If a mother is struggling with low milk supply, breast massage can help stimulate production and improve milk flow. It can be used in conjunction with other methods like power pumping or frequent breastfeeding.
* Soothing Sore Breasts: Postpartum or breastfeeding mothers may experience sore or cracked nipples; gentle massage, paired with moisturizing creams or oils, can help soothe discomfort.
8. Facilitates Lactation in Adoptive Mothers
For women who are adopting and wish to induce lactation, breast massage can be part of the process of stimulating milk production, especially when combined with a regimen of hormonal therapy or frequent pumping.
Can I bring my baby to my appointments with Jen?
Absolutely! It can be tough to leave your newborn home for your own self care appointments. If your baby gets hungry or fussy during your session we can take a break to have you nurse & return to our session once the little one settles down again.
Self Breast Massage at Home
If you are interested, Jen will teach you how to do a self breast massage specifically to aid in lactation and breastfeeding that you can do everyday at home. Those who learn this technique tend to receive continued and more prolonged benefits than those who don’t do self massage.
Safety above all else.
Jen wants all women to feels safe & heard, therefore she will get written permission from you in advance to receive breast massage and as to how you’d prefer to receive breast massage (through clothing/sheets or on bare skin etc.). You may change your mind at any time verbally during a session, no explanation will be required. Every session supports your current needs & comfort level.
Having the breasts massaged can be an emotionally charged experience for some. Jen has the training to support you during your session, if any trauma associated feelings arise through the unwinding of tissue in & around the breasts.
Questions & Concerns
If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact Jen by clicking Here.
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